Aika: Ke 12.2. klo 15-16
Aihe: Cancer, VUS and molecular modelling in personal medicine
Puhuja: Prof. Antti Poso, Farmasian laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta, Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Tutustu puhujaan: Antti Poso – UEFConnect
Tällä kertaa seminaarin järjestää FICAN East. Seminaari pidetään verkossa (Microsoft Teams), johon voit liittyä suoraan tästä linkistä: Liity kokoukseen nyt
The range of cancer drugs is extensive, and gene sequencing offers opportunities for personalized treatment selection. Designing personalized treatment requires multidisciplinary collaboration, and often, computer models of drug targets can assist in selecting cancer medications. Sequencing identifies mutations present in cancer, and models can be used to study how these mutations affect the efficacy of cancer drugs. For instance, a mutation may prevent a cancer drug from binding to its target protein, rendering the medication ineffective for the patient. While the use of computer models to aid in cancer drug selection has been employed to some extent globally, it remains rare in Finland. By leveraging information on mutation-induced changes in protein structures, the most effective cancer drug can be chosen. Creating and studying computer models is rapid, providing information on drug suitability in hours or, at most, a few days. Additionally, I will present several case examples from Germany to illustrate this approach in practice.
Relevat references for this talk:
- Kuittinen, Poso, Bartos: Lääkkeen vaikutuskohteen tietokonemalleista apua yksilöidyn syöpälääkkeen valintaan. Duodecim, 2024, 140, 1703-1709
- S. Spahn, F. Kleinhenz, E. Shevchenko, A. Stahl, Y. Rasen, C. Geisler, et al., Nat. Commun. 2024, 15, 1287.